Animalia Off the Kerb's 12th bday show


Drew Funk | Lucy Lucy | Barek | Creature Creature | Hayden Dewar | Liam Snootle | Tinky | Brian Cheung | N2O | David Lee Pereira | Ryan Pola
Tayla Broekman | hellotomato | thepeatreecollective | Lucy Wood | Alexia Novella | Benjamin Coombs | Andrew Laba | Anna Seed | Nash
Aude Lassalle | Jade Burstall | Dominic Taranto | Elena Larkin | Estephania Corbelletta | Lily Nie | Esther Sandler | Jack Howell | Dominic Sowersby Lizzie Mai | Jessica Jane | Julia Novella | Julie Burke | Maria Barbaro |Kerri Hobba | Lauren Guymer | Leah Hume | Jennifer Huang | MACHINEGUN DEV Manda Lane | Leona Gardner-Chan | Oniism | Maria Petrova | Miranda Costa | Rachel Derum | Sara Flexmore | Sara Sirant | Victoria Constable
Skye Williams | Mia Emily Freeman

Animalia is a group exhibition celebrating life on our planet. It is an exploration of the importance of each organism on the planet and the innate connectedness or disconnectedness of the world we live in. It explores our responsibility to the environment - a collective consciousness as “caretakers” of the world around us. Throughout history, science and arts have revealed and reveled in the complexity of animals. Scientists, philosophers and creatives alike have each embraced the multifaceted nature of animals to cross, blur, and re-imagine the boundaries between human and animal. Clinical findings show a beneficial and dynamic relationship between people and animals on emotional, psychological, and physical facets.

How has the natural world affected your life growing up? Are there particular creatures or natural environments that inspire you or capture your imagination? How do you imagine your relationship with animals? And do you believe animals and humans can coexist in harmony with one another? We ask artists to express their symbolic, metaphorical or literal version of Animalia.

Off the Kerb celebrates its 12th birthday with this large scale group exhibition by donating proceeds from sale of art to Signal Hill Sanctuary, a safe and caring home for abused, neglected or unwanted farm animals.


Signal Hill Sanctuary

Young Henrys Beer Sponsorship