OPENING: Fri 18 June 6-9pm | DATES: 17 June - 1 July 2021


Winter Days 2021


Alexia Novella | Alison Willoughby | Amelia Jane | Andre Bruzzese | Andrea Sinclair | Andria Beighton | Anne Bennett | Aude | Barek
Brodie Colbourne | Ruby Knight | Ryan Pola| Casey Freeman | Brian Cheung | The Blck Pen | Tegan Iversen
Cat Parker | Cathy Yarwood-Mahy | Peatree | Christiana Aprozeanu | Kyle KM | Deb J Marshall | Emily Wright
Erin Michelle | Georgia Pricone | Giovanna Da Silva | Jack Howell | Jennifer Rooke | Jo Murphy | Julia Schmitt | Kari Henriksen | Laura Alice
Liz Gridley | Lizzie Mai |Lucy Wood | Luke Rion | Manda Lane | Melissa Grisancich | Mitchell Asquith | Nathalia Suizu
Nani Puspasari| Rachel Derum | Rana The Frog | Yiying Lee | Ying Wang | Sarah Jane Lightfoot

Winter Days exhibits a collection of creative responses on the themes surrounding the season of winter. Winter signifies
a time of hibernation, introversion, introspection, foraging, going within…Winter is represented through colour and hue
-primarily blues and greys. Winter is depicted through light and varying shades of darkness.

Musicians in history have written songs symbolising tumultuous relationships, heartbreak, and lamentation.

Artists in history painted wintery scenes using nature to mirror human emotions.

In Greek mythology, Demeter, the goddess of the Earth created winter. In Persian mythology the winter solstice symbolised birth and has been
celebrated for thousands of years. In Welsh mythology, a battle between mythological lovers represented the contest between summer and winter.