FRONT GALLERY DAWN RITUAL Dawn Ritual is an exploration of a world steeped in animism. Set amongst the remnants of a forgotten epoch; these paintings tell stories of secret rituals, dream realms and trance states. The happenings in a place beyond our perception, where all is alive and is embodied with spirit.
BACK GALLERY THE HAND BECOMES THE NEEDLE Christina Darras and Rebecca Diele present a cohabitation of works titled The Hand Becomes the Needle. Darras and Diele explore tactile experiences with threads and needles to inform their art practice. Their art is expressed through embroidery and a long-dedicated process, where a sharp metal tool repeatedly marks the paper or the canvas’s surface to map the geography of the mind.
SIDE GALLERY LAND OF THE LOST SWEETS Welcome to the lolly shop that only exists in the back of your mind, full of the discontinued and otherwise forgotten desserts from your distant memories.
UPSTAIRS GALLERY BEING IN WAITING Being in Waiting is to exist in a process with the knowledge of no perceivable end.