Shini Pararajasingham
"The Powder Room"
May 18 – June 15
Opening Friday 18 May 6-9pm

"I'm sick of the powder room. I'm sick of pretending that some fatuous male's self important pronouncements are the objects of my undivided attention." Germaine Greer, ”The Female Eunuch” (1970)

Shini Pararajasingham transforms the gallery into an intimate and private ladies’ “Powder Room’ evoking the sumptuous “Belle Epoque” powder-room culture of the 1900s in Paris. In this room, we are privy to the private conversations of women of secret sexual encounters and desires, divulging into and dissecting erotic exploits.

Inspired by Germaine Greer’s feminist writing, Shini’s satirical Powder Room -a Femme Sanctuary- intimidates the male viewer as he accidentally stumbles in, besieged by ladies’ fragrances, pink frills, lace and surreptitious chatter.

On closer inspection, the audience realizes that all is not what it seems. Nestled amongst the delicate powder boxes are what appear to be dismembered bodily organs in a nest of matted hair.

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