buni & Pia de Bruyn
"Wallpaper Wars"
August 31 - September 21 2007
Opening Friday August 31 6-9pm

Pia de Bruyn has created a humorous and monumental series of drawings that intercept and purposely slant views of contemporary masculinities. Covering a whole room with large pencilled documentations of the male anus, de Bruyn creates a literal kaleidoscope of floating orgiastic excess, with the drawings of faceless males signifying a dispersion of personal identity. Similar to the historic zine from New York, 'The Manhattan Review of Unnatural Acts', which regularly contains erotic renderings of completely anonymous male sexual activity, the zine is used to (in the words of founder, Boyd McDonald) combat, 'North America's number one killer: sore nuts'. De Bruyn uses the same amusing and comical approach to a subject that can sometimes highly offend and outrage some parts of society. However her large pictures of imagined participants compliment and adds face to these adapted and edited acts of random sexual orientation; dismantling the heterogeneous iconography associated with the culturally loaded subject of homosexuality and specifically the male orifice. Her drawings somehow foresee the uncomfortable yet natural enjoyment of viewer. The images can be described as masturbatory and is a wicked and hilarious exploit of the female imagination onto a specifically all male subject.

Returning from Japan in December, 2006, buni's work explores identity and duality through art making with a colourful aesthetic and a mingling between traditional and contemporary Japanese design. Utilizing paint and craft, buni's art addresses human identity and explores ideas through emotional affluent text and imagery. Asking questions such as; how does identity unveil itself, and what are the contributing factors?  buni, Uses flowery wallpaper and intimate clothing to cover the gallery space and emerse the viewer in beautiful imagery. buni draws parallels between what human beings use as a cover for their emotional state and an expression of their identity.  By taking emotional charged quotes or lyrics and placing them on items of clothing, buni is able to represent the inside and the outside at the same time, and explore the interesting tensions in between.  Underlying this gorgeous and sweet imagery, a subtle undercurrent of violence peeks through; juxtaposing the beautiful and the melancholic, to reveal a poetic dualism.

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